29. 9. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland 26th - 28th September 2008 are here
28. 9. 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 10th part , however in czech leanguage only
27. 9. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Cyprus 19th - 21th September 2008 are here
23. 9. 2008
new dogs in training: Britney Velvet , Cliff vom Beuchower Hof
20. 9. 2008
the pictures by Lucie Skopalova from Dobermann club show DKSR - Golden dobermann 2008 are here
15. 9. 2008
The plan of my seminars on September - HERE
14. 9. 2008
the pictures by Lucie Skopalova from Dobermann club show DKCR 2008 in Czech republic are here
10. 9. 2008
The pictures from Summer training camp in Estonia are here
Stay in Style Chanel and Kristiin Aneken Aavik on the BH exam - video here
9. 9. 2008
new dogs in training: Precius Pearl Daker , Herta Bene Meritus
7. 9. 2008
Golden dobermann - club show DKSR, judge Thomas Becht
Red Sasha Cara´s Ex. 1, beste veteran
Chriss z Padoku Ex. 1 CAC, open class
Ardens Chilli Ex 2 res.CAC, open class
4. 9. 2008
Completed the article of "The alphabet of training" - 9th part , however in czech leanguage only
31. 8. 2008
Alfare Sheridano Le Fano passed exam BH
Chriss z Padoku passed exam IPO 1
Yacheero´s Mermaid Merell passed exam IPO 1
Red Sasha Cara´s passed exam FPr. 2
30. 8. 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 7th, 8h, 9th part , however in czech leanguage only
25. 8. 2008
the new video from ZTP in Jelenec 2008 (13.7. 2008) - Nambi Pambi de Rizzi ,
Gekata Vinco iz Doliny Dolmenov ,
Hermína Zkanape ,
Baby Brittanica di Brittasgang ,
Däsy´s Fiasko Acca ,
Arami Amat du Feu d´Aramon ,
Back Hankybar
23. 8. 2008
the video from ZTP in Estonia 2008 - Phantasy de Grande Vinko
22. 8. 2008
the video from ZTP in Jelenec 2008 (12.7. 2008) - Fravola de Grande Vinko ,
Yacheero´s Mermaid Merrel ,
Corleona Lady di Brittasgang ,
Arak Amaruk du Feu d´Aramon ,
FanFan de Grande Vinko ,
Arny di Brittasgang ,
Chriss z Padoku ,
Charm Antis
14. 8. 2008
the pictures from ZTP in Estonia are here
13. 8. 2008
The pictures from Summer training camp in Jelenec are here.
The presentations of participantes >>> in preparation
7. 8. 2008
new pictures: dogs in training - Jelenec 7/2008 here
4. 8. 2008
the pictures from the exams VPG/IPO - 20. 7. 2008 in Jelenec are here
2. 8. 2008
the pictures from the exams VPG/IPO - 11. 7. 2008 in Jelenec are here
1. 8. 2008
the pictures from the exams SVV - 6. 7. 2008 in Jelenec are here
30. 7. 2008
the pictures from the exams VPG/IPO - 5. 7. 2008 in Jelenec are here
28. 6. 2008
the pictures from the ZTP in Jelenec are here
the new photogallery: dogs in training - breathingspell is here
26. 7. 2008
every our puppies are at new homes - new pictures are here
22. 7. 2008
new dog in training: Vivienne Miratio
21. 7. 2008
Irinland Niki Nikole passed exam BH
Chriss z Padoku passed exam SVV 1
Destiny Gold Premio passed exam SVV 1
16. 7. 2008
ZTP Jelenec 12. - 13. 7. 2008, judge Rudi Killmaier (D), bitehelper Ludek Silhavy
passed Chriss z Padoku ,
Yacheero´s Mermaid Merrel ,
Nambi Pambi de Rizzi
11. 7. 2008
Ardens Chili passed exam BH
6. 7. 2008
The father of our puppies - Citto von der Wudritz
25. 6. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland, 20th - 22th June 2008 are here
22. 6. 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 7th part , however in czech leanguage only
21. 6. 2008
Completed the article of "The alphabet of training" - 6th part , however in czech leanguage only
16. 6. 2008
the pictures by Lucie Skopalova from Special dobermann show 2008 in Czech republic are here
12. 6. 2008
new dogs in training: Alfare Sheridano Le Fano , Irinland Niki Nikole
9. 6. 2008
the pictures from IDC worldchampionship 2008 are here
7. 6. 2008
Zentralkörung - Stuttgart/Renningen
judges: Walter Hensel, Hans Wiblishauser, Rainer Friedrich, Norbert Daube
bitehelpers: Siegfried Kohler, Patrik Ruffer
Venzo vom Verstenwal - passed
results are here
4. 6. 2008
new pictures of puppies are here
31. 5. 2008
Best of Synglisis passed BH
Nambi Pambi de Rizzi passed BH
Yacheero´s Mermaid Merell passed BH
31. 5. 2008
Info about the Estonia summer camp HERE
30. 5. 2008
New video of dogs for sale: Dann Vepeden, Gina z Librova dvora
26. 5. 2008
23. - 25. 5. 2007
IDC worldchampionship in IPO 3
Judenburg - Austria
really last Sasha´s worldchampionship
the results are here
more than one 1000 pictures are in preparing
21. 5. 2008
new pictures of puppies are here
18. - 19. 5. 2008
2 x CACIB Bratislava , judge MVDr. Gabriela Ridarcikova (SK), Viera Staviarska
Best of Synglisis - excellent 1 CAC, open class
Venzo v.Verstenwal - excellent 2, res. CAC, res. CACIB, champion class
Citto von der Wudritz - excellent 1, working class
Ajax Falmarka - excellent 1, finished Slovak veteranchampion, veteran class
16. 5. 2008
the pictures from the training´s in Prague - Spring 2008 are here
13. 5. 2008
12. 5. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland, 9th - 11th May 2008 are here
8. 5. 2008
Completed the article of "The alphabet of training" - 4th & 5th part , however in czech leanguage only
6. 5. 2008
new pictures of puppies are here
5. 5. 2008
Kamenny mlyn 3. 5. 2008, exam ADPr., judge Milan Kadlecaj
passed Chriss z Padoku ,
Kasja vom Vele ,
Alexa Sheridano Le Fano
new pictures of dogs in training are here
2. 5. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland, 25th - 27th April 2008 are here
1. 5. 2008
new pictures of puppies are here
the pictures from special show DKSR are here
30. 4. 2008
new dogs in training: Chriss z Padoku , Yacheeros Mermaid Merell
26. 4. 2008 1
Special show DKSR , Kamenny mlyn (SK), judge Erika Szokol (HU)
Chriss z Padoku - excellent 1 CAC, Winner of Special show, intermediate class
Best of Synglisis - excellent, open class
Venzo v.Verstenwal - excellent 1 CAC, champion class, finished Slovak champion
Nambi Pambi de Rizzi - excellent 1 CAC, Winner of Special show, champion class
Ajax Falmarka - excellent, best veteran, veteran class
the pictures from special show DKSR are here
25. 4 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 5th part , however in czech leanguage only
18. 4. 2008
new dogs in training: Venzo v.Verstenwal , Destiny Gold Premio
17. 4. 2008
WE HAVE PUPPIES!!! The pictures of puppies: the first days of life are here.
14. 4. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Estonia 11th - 13th Aril 2008 are here.
13. 4. 2008
new dog in training: Nambi Pambi de Rizzi
10. 4. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland, 4th - 6th April 2008 are here.
7. 4. 2008
new dogs in training: Best of Synglisis , Kasja vom Vele
4. 4. 2008
the pictures from the training in Prague, 2th April 2008 are here.
1 4. 2008
Happy Birthday!
Warning!!! For adult only.
31. 3. 2008
new dog in training: Ardens Chili
29. 3. 2008
the pictures from the training in France, 23th - 25th March 2008 are here.
27. 3. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Virginia Island (USA), 1th February - 19th March 2008 are here.
22. 3. 2008
Happy Easter!
21. 3. 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 4th part , however in czech leanguage only
19. 3. 2008
The plan of my seminars - HERE
15. 3. 2008
Working line puppies available - first breeding in Europe!
14. 3. 2008
The price list of our services was changed.
9. 3. 2008
Alexa Sheridano Le Fano presentation updated
8. 3. 2008
The plan of my seminars - HERE
7. 3. 2008
Completed the article of "alphabet of training" project - 3th part, however in czech leanguage only
3. 3. 2008
The new video from my archiv - Juniorcup 2003 - IPO 1 kategory on Czech nationale competition of dobermanns
Two years old Red Sasha Cara´s won between a marcedly older rivals.
Aramis Halit Paša
26. 2. 2008
updated debtor list
22. 2. 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 3th part , however in czech leanguage only
20. 2. 2008
the new video from my archive - Alex Black Sagitta on AIAD IPO3 Italy nationale championship, 2000 year is here.
17. 2. 2008
Red Sasha Cara´s presentation updated
16. 2. 2008
CACIB show Brno 10. 2. 2008 : Cliff vom Beuchower Hof passed conditions for title Champion of Czech republic
12. 2. 2008
a new video - Jiri Schuster's Cheiva z Ax-Daru in a preparation for a new working sezone. Break a leg Jirka!
11. 2. 2008
Completed the article of "alphabet of training" project - 2th part, however in czech leanguage only
9. 2. 2008
a new video - Cliff vom Beuchower Hof - Körung 2007 is here.
8. 2. 2008
Opened your registration for our summer training camp Jelenec (SK) and ZTP - more info here.
29. 1. 2008
A face-lifting of our forum.
28. 1. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland, January 25th - 27th are here.
2. 1. 2008
"The alphabet of training" - 2th part , however in czech leanguage only
22. 1. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Estonia, January 18th - 20th are here.
16. 1. 2008
the pictures from the seminar in Finland, January 11th - 13th are here.
13. 1. 2008
The first part of the new project K9 International dogschool and the most widely read czech
magazine about a dogs - Pes pritel cloveka - "The alphabet of training", however in czech leanguage only >>
31. 12. 2007