Päivitetty: 3. 6. 2013

3. 6. 2013
uusi: pictures from May training are here.

25. 5. 2013
uusi: pictures from spring training are here.

18. 5. 2013
Go on Forever Excellent Echo passed exam ADPr.
5. 5. 2013
Ebola Jitřní hvězda passed exam BH
Christie z Hromadného passed exam BH
Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak passed exam IPO 3
Go on Forever Excellent Echo passed exam IPO 3
1. 5. 2013
Tarantula vom Aurachgrund passed exam BH
Go on Forever Excellent Echo passed exam IPO 2
6. 4. 2013
pictures from Easter training are here.

1. 3. 2013
the pictures by Jeanne Monokian from the winter training on Virgina islands are here
23. 2. 2013
pictures from January training are here.

3. 2. 2013
DUO CACIB BRNO 2013 - Sunday, judge V. Vojtek
Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak - open class Ex. 2, res.CAC
Harlequin Gumby- working class Ex. 1, CAC, Czech Champ.
2. 2. 2013
DUO CACIB BRNO 2013 - Saturday, judge Aleksander Skrziňski
Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak - open class Ex. 3
Harlequin Gumby- working class Ex. 2, res.CAC
30. 1. 2013
uusi: seminaarit
21. 1. 2013
pictures from training are here.

14. 1. 2013
pictures of puppies 7 weeks old are here.

12. 1. 2013
our new stud male Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak
11. 1. 2013
pictures of puppies are here.

19. 1. 2012
