a preparation or a participation on a national championat or a world championat on a IPO 1-IPO 3 category
8 000,- € + spending
a preparation from puppy age for top competitions on a IPO 3 category (nessesary to reserve longer time before)
1 000,- € per month (expences include)
dogs from European K9 training base kennel 800,- € only
AD Pr.
500,- € + spending*
If a dog is cropped, than is the price for the training for whatever exam 1000 € per month + spending.
* the spending - the price of all fees connected with the way and exams
If a dog suffers from a disturbance of personality, or shows a weighty character defections, or is broken,
from a bad previous training, will be invoiced 200 - 2000 €.
Every dog, schowed on ZTP by me, has to have the pased exam BH.
If the dog in the training has a mating during his stay here, will be invoiced 100 € for each mating.
In case of unsuccessful Körung result the owner of the dog will get a refund in the amount of only 1/3 of the price of training.
The training payment has to be done before the end of training.
The payment is budgeted to some few parts. According to number of the months of training.
This part has to be paid to date of start of every trainingmonth.