27. 6. - 20. 7. 2008

Place: Chatova osada pod Gymesom, Jelenec (13 km from Nitra), Slovakia

The way to areal map of SK, map to Jelenec

Intesive work with dogs will be headed for passing of the exams IPO, SchH/VPG and slovak nationale exams, which will be the first, second and third weekend, for preparatiing for ZTP, which will be the third weekend and for the briskly improvement of exercises of tracking, obedience and protection.

I. tour from Friday evening 27. 6. to Sunday evening 6. 7. 2008

II. tour from Sunday evening 6. 7. to Sunday evening 13. 7. 2008

III. tour from Sunday evening 13. 7. to Sunday evening 20. 7. 2008

12.7.2008, we are organize, by cooperation with DKSR, a german ZTP. The places are limited for 15.
More info about ZTP incl.a registration are here..

in bungalows - rooms for 2, 3 or 4 persons. Settlement for 2-3 rooms. In bungalow are a cooker and fridge. Dogs have to be in a rooms in a boxes.
2 - persons-room/400 Sk/day
3 - persons-room/600 Sk/day
4 - persons-room/800 Sk/day
4 - persons-room above standard of camp/1500 Sk/day
50 Sk/day/car
in tent of participant
price: 40 Sk/day/tent, 100 Sk/day/person, 50 Sk/day/car
in caravan of participant
price:50 Sk/day/caravan, 100 Sk/day/person, 50 Sk/day/car

Actual exchange rate of Slovak koruna and euro is 1 eur/33 SKK today (25. 4. 2007)

Big common room and bar are available.

Actual garrison of rooms -

Actual garrison of rooms -

Actual garrison of rooms -

After agreement (foot/price)in camp. You can visit restaurants in near villages or cook yourself.

I. tour - 150,- €/1 dog
II. tour - 150,- €/1 dog
III. tour - 150,- €/1 dog
I. + II. tours - 250,- €/1 dog
II. + III. tours - 250,- €/1 dog
I. + III. + III. tours - 390,- €/1 dog

For by you choice termin I advice to reserved your place as soon as is possible. The places for ZTP are limited - 15 dogs.

The pictures of participantes from last year you can find here.

Payable with your reservation, full price of accommodation, transfer on accont of owner of areal, after confirming of your order from us.

Bungalows camp "Pod Gymesom" is placed in a beautiful place of hardwood forest in the mountain Tribec. Two ponds are near. It´s near the village Jelence, 13 km from Nitra, way to Zlate Moravce.You can visit, for example, ruins of castle Gymes, vineyard of Jelenec with 700 year old traditions, cultural and historical monuments of Nitra, horse-breeding farm in Topolcianky etc.

Photo of areal

More informations on e-mail: or: (ZTP)
ZTP registrations are here!

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