ALEXA SHERIDANO LE FANO 26. 11. 2006 - 20. 2. 2014
Champion of Czech republic, 2 x CAC, res.CAC
HD - A, PHTVL/PHPV - KATARAKT - PRA/CEAVER - clear, thyroid - clear, cardio - free (LMÜ Münich)
BH, IPO 3, ZM, ZVV 1, ZPS 1, FPr. 3, ZTP V 1A, ADPr., Körung
Father: Cliff vom Beuchower Hof - CZ Champion, BH, IPO 3, ZTP 1A, Körung, HD-A
Mother: Fergie Calibra Magic - ZVV 1, IPO 3, ZTP V1A, HD-A
Alexa´s work successes:
03. 05. 2008: ADPr. - Kamenny mlyn - judge Milan Kadlecaj
04. 10. 2008: BH - Ricany - judge Zuzana Huclova
15. 11. 2008: ZTP V 1A - Linz (A) - judge Inge Eberstaller
14. 06. 2009: ZM - Melnik - judge Lubomir Nemec
12. 07. 2009: ZVV 1 - Lukova - judge Jiri Hammer
24. 07. 2009: FPr. 1 - Jelenec - judge Milan Kadlecaj
02. 08. 2009: FPr. 2 - Jelenec - judge Milan Klacman
17. 10. 2009: IPO 1 - 1st place JUNIOR CUP Dobermann CZ Championship
best track, obedinence and protection, the youngest dog of championship, judges Lubos Jansky, Jiri Vychodil
01. 11. 2009: IPO 2 - Zabrusany - judge Vilem Babicka
28. 03. 2010: IPO 3 (95, 94, 99) - Jablonica - judge Ing. Stefan Hamerlik
22. 05. 2010: FPr. 3 (90) - Pysely - judge Karel Nedved
05. - 06. 06. 2010: IDC Worlchampionship IPO 3 - Vrbove (SK) - judges I. Eberstaller, T. Dohóczki, R. Friedrich
16st place, the youngest dog of championship (protection 96 p.)
26. 06. 2010: Körung - Melle - judges Hans Wiblishauser, Thomas Becht, Rainer Friedrich, Norbert Daube
11. 09. 2010: National dobermann championship IPO 3 - Jihlava - judges P.Veselka, J.Hodek
4st place, the best track on IPO3 dobermann championship (91 p.)
09. - 10. 10. 2010: National championship MSKS IPO 3 - Zbraslav - judges J. Matula, D. Majtas, J. Venhauer
6st place, the best obedience on IPO3 national championship of every breed MSKS (94 b.)
17. 11. 2010: IPO 3 (98, 91, 90) - Ricany - judge Renata Machova
satisfied the condition for her participation for the next year WCH FCI elimination competitions
The best working female of our national dobermann club in 2010 y.
14. - 15. 05. 2011: IDC Worlchampionship IPO 3 (95, 87, 94) - Castano Primo - judges A. Baumeister, A. Muller,
J. Klima
14. 08. 2011: FH 1 (90) - Rumburk - judge Slavomír Bořuta
21. 08. 2011: SchH/VPG 1 (96, 93, 97) - Rumburk - judge Milan Mnich
28. 08. 2011: SchH/VPG 2 (100, 96, 94) - Rumburk - judge Jaroslav Venhauer
1. 10. 2011: National championship MSKS IPO 3 - Zbraslav - judge M. Oliva, J. Strach, J. Benovič, got title CACT (96, 96, 85)
26. 11. 2011: SchH/VPG 3 (93, 90, 88) - Dobřejovice - judge Karel Nedvěd
The best working female of our national dobermann club in 2011
26. - 27. 05. 2012: IDC Worlchampionship IPO 3 (94, 85, 92) - Halásztelek - rozhodčí L. Harder, W. Hecker,
S. Marocchi
23. 06. 2012: 2nd DV Zentralkörung for all life - Nenndorf - judge Hans Wiblishauser, Norbert Daube, Willi Cohnen
Alexa´s show successes:
13. 5. 2007: VP 1., Baby club winner - Club show MSDK (Jozef Klima)
10. 2. 2008: excellent, youth class - CACIB Brno (Boris Spoljaric)
31. 5. 2009: excellent 2, open class - CACIB Bratislava (Istvan Czepai)
20. 6. 2009: excellent 2 res.CAC, open class - Special dobermann show (Jozef Klíma)
25. 10. 2009: excellent 1 CAC, working class - CACIB Ceske Budejovice (MVDr. Ivana Lupeckova)
11. 04. 2010: excellent 1 CAC, working class - CAC Ostrava (MVDr. Gabriela Ridarcikova)
Champion of Czech republic
Cliff vom Beuchower Hof
Noran van Les Deux Peupliers
Emir van Les Deux Peupliers
Johanna van Les Deux Peupliers
Andra vom Beuchower Hof
Ferro von Donarius
Morena von Weser-Ems
Fergie Calibra Magic
Drink Zkanape
Gabor v.Castell
Pusa Zkanape
Gina Gold Micer
Gero v.d. Mooreiche
Brema Micer
pictures from exam ZVV 1 are here
pictures from exam BH are here
pictures from ZTP are here
other Alaxa´s pictures are here
