ZTP - Zuchttauglichkeits Prüfung 2009
25. - 26. 7. 2009, judge: Thomas Becht (D), bitehelper: Ludek Silhavy

Place: Chatova osada pod Gymesom, Jelenec (13 km from Nitra), Slovakia

The way to areal map of SK, map to Jelenec

Slovakia dobermann club, by cooperation with K9 international dogschool, would to like invite you on ZTP, witch will be inc.summer training camp of K9 international dogschool.

dead line (applications + payments): 10. 5. 2009
fee: 70,- €

What do you need, for your participation, on ZTP:
♦ original of pedigree
♦ original of certificat,about passed exam (BH, BgH 1, PT)
♦ original of evaluation of HD from Germany
♦ a confirming about a payment of fee
♦ validly certificate of vaccination - europass for your dog
You have to produce every documents before ZTP!!!

informations about ZTP + sending of applications + payment
Alica Freyer (slovak,magyar,germany) , Obchodna 469, SK - 90638 Rohoznik, Slovakia
GSM: 00421 903 78 23 32, tel.: 0043 6767 01 95 67 , fax: 00421/34 65 88 073;
E-mail: alica.freyer@mail.t-com.sk

informations about camp, ZTP
Lucie Skopalova (english, russian, germany)
E-mail: Lucie.demon@seznam.cz

informations about trainings
Ludek Silhavy (english, russian)
GSM: 00420 777 260 666, e-mail: Lucie.demon@seznam.cz

The organisator hasn't responsibility for a demage,incurred by the dogs or to the dogs.In case,would will not be ZTP practised, will be the entry fee used for a costs pair with a organisation. Every dogs have to fulfil the vet. conditions EU. The organisator can refuse ,without a reason.


 © International dog school K9 :: Design: Lucie Skopalová :: Webmaster: Sarah J Beck